Five Roots Remain

As the decades pass, some things remain the same when it comes to organizational change. One of those things is that organizations continue to make the same mistakes over and over. The simple fact is that most major change initiatives fail to achieve the objectives set out from the beginning.

Why is this? Through years of observation and study, we have concluded the reasons consistently boil down to five fundamental root issues. We call these five the Roots of Execution and they form a critical basis for understanding why organizations either succeed or fail to execute well.

The Whitecap Roots of Execution

  1. The “right people” must be properly selected and empowered so that they can focus on the proper target. This is about putting first things first and that starts with people and the teams they form.
  2. The “right plan” must be created with clarity and alignment to help enable the customer (internal & external) do what needs to be done.
  3. Leadership” must set clear direction, remove obstacles and walk the talk. “Leaders” throughout the organization must also be empowered to lead the charge to change.
  4. The “right environment” must be built for the desired change to take root, grow, and ultimately produce the desired result.
  5. The plan must be “executed” with excellence…which is about connecting the way things are to the way things ought to be.

Note: Embedded in each root is the DNA code of “communication” CTRITTRPATRTITRW (communicate the right information to the right people at the right time in the right way).

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